Lidia Abucewicz Flute Extraordinary Teacher Awards

Lidia Abucewicz Flute Faculty .

She graduated from Academy of Music in Poznań (graduate of Prof. Elżbieta Dastych-Szwarc and Prof.
Andrzej Łęgowski flute class).She finished post-graduate studies -Culture Management (Poznan
University of Social Sciences) as well as Education Management (Higher School of Humanities and Journalism in Poznań).

She is The Art Education Center consultant, director of Wind Instruments and
Percussion Section at the Music School in Poznan.
She took part in many methodological conferences and workshops led by the
top flute players: Jean-Pierre Rampal, Emily Beynon, Patrick Gallois, Ulla
Miilmann, as well as in Early Music Summer Academy.
For years she has been a chamber musician in the Camerata Quartet of the Górka
Palace. She took part in many orchestra projects, recording and performing
concerts in Poland and abroad (Europe and Asia).
Being a teacher is the essential part of her professional career at the moment.
She is currently leading a flute class and a chamber music class at the Music School
as well as in The Cathedral Music School in Poznan.
She is running and organizing the flautists’ workshops.
She is an outstanding educator whose students receive top prizes in nationwide
and international competitions. She has been recognized several times for her
educational achievements; in recognition of her artistic achievements she received
a congratulatory letter from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.
She has been recognized by The Art Education Center Director for her special
contribution to development of art education in Poland.
She is also interested in psychology and she loves travelling.


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